Why your sales outreach is failing

without these 5 video strategies

Hello to almost 3,000 dynamic sales reps and innovative entrepreneurs who are committed to evolving and excelling in their sales strategies!

In today’s 1 minute 50 second read, we’re diving into the game-changing world of video prospecting. This isn’t just a trend; it’s a revolution in connecting with your prospects.

Why is video prospecting a must in your sales toolkit? Let’s break it down:

  1. Personal Touch: Video adds a human element to your outreach. It’s not just words on a screen; it’s your voice, your expressions, and your personality. This builds trust and rapport faster than traditional text-based communication.

  2. Stand Out in the Inbox: In a sea of text emails, a video message is like a beacon. It’s different, engaging, and shows effort. This can significantly boost your open and response rates.

  3. Complex Messages Made Simple: Explaining a complex idea or product? A video can convey these concepts more clearly and effectively than a lengthy email.

  4. Boost Engagement: Videos are inherently more engaging. Prospects are more likely to watch a short video than read a long email, making your message more likely to be received and understood.

  5. Trackable Interactions: Most video tools offer analytics. You can see who watched your video, how much they watched, and if they re-watched it. This insight is gold in tailoring your follow-ups.

  6. Versatility: Videos can be used at various stages of your sales process – from cold outreach to follow-ups, to explaining complex proposals.

Here’s a quick tip:

Keep your videos short (30 to 50 seconds), focused, and personalized. Address the prospect’s specific needs or pain points, and always end with a clear call-to-action.

Video prospecting is not just about being different; it’s about being more clever.

Which aspect of video prospecting do you find most intriguing or challenging?

Are you team struggling with social selling on LinkedIn? Hit me up and we can lay out a plan.

PS - I record with Sendspark, super easy to use.

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